If your current hiring process is working, good for you. However, if you feel you could tweak it just a little this article might just be the information you’ve been looking for. There are 4 job skills employers are looking for in today’s market to ensure the very best candidates.
#1- They Are Active Listeners
You want to hire active listeners. These individuals are paying complete attention to you when you speak and they will ask questions when it is necessary. They can do the job because they are completely tuned into listening.
#2 Critical Thinkers
When we are in tighter economic times, many businesses are focusing on getting the best of the best job applicants. It has been proven time and time again that these individuals are critical thinkers. Employers are finding that focusing on critical thinkers is more beneficial than focusing on the candidates’ strengths and weaknesses.
#3 Good Decision Makers
Another important quality you should be looking for when seeking out the best candidates. Most companies don’t have the time or money to have to take every decision up the ladder and so looking for those individuals that are not afraid to make decisions.
#4 Monitor Their Own Performance
This is a highly effective management strategy. When you hire employees that monitor their own performance you reduce the amount of time that management needs to be overseeing and engaging these employees over their performance.
We are in tough economic times and companies are trying to stream line their hiring process. They want to ensure that they are getting the best job applicants so that the individual(s) that is hired will produce the maximum benefit for the company.
By streamlining the short listing process, in combination with knowing how to get the best candidates, will provide you with optimal results.
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