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As professional touring illusionists, we are all too familiar with the costs involved with traveling for business. Flights, hotels, meals, car rental – it all adds up quickly.

Business travel can take a huge chunk out of company budgets, especially if it’s left to employees to make their own travel arrangements. It isn’t just the fact that staff might be more inclined to go for the more expensive travel options or the most luxurious hotels if they are left to take responsibility for planning their own business trips, but also that they wouldn’t necessarily know where to go to get the best deals. In addition, of course, there is a hidden cost in terms of lost productivity when employees are engaged in making their own arrangements.

Basically, there are two possible courses of action that businesses can take in their bids to control business travel costs, although both involve centralizing the task of travel planning. You could either place the responsibility for making the necessary arrangements with a single individual or dedicated team within your own organization, or you could outsource it to a travel agency that specializes in business travel. Either way, their knowledge and experience of where to get the best deals will ensure that your business pays less, and your staff won’t waste an endless number of man-hours researching suitable travel and accommodation options.

Thanks, and remember to look for the magic that is all around you!