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If you’re worried about making a good impression on an employer (current or future), you should probably be thinking about your digital reputation. A recent survey, developed by staffing services firm The Creative Group, says that nearly 50 percent of advertising and marketing executives polled said they go online to find information on prospective candidates. Fourteen percent said they had decided NOT to hire a candidate because of the online information they found.

Think carefully BEFORE you post ANYTHING online, including all social media streams. These are easily accessible to everyone, including employers, and can give either a positive or negative view of you and your social network.

So what can you do to manage your online image? The Creative Group recommends you use business Web sites, such as ZoomInfo, to strategically post positive information about yourself. Professional social-networking sites, such as LinkedIn, are also good places to go to make contacts and learn of job postings. If you know negative information about you exists on the Web that you cannot remove, be ready to explain if you’re asked about it.

Think before you post, and remember to look for the magic that is all around you!