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Neighborhood watch schemes, or home watch or community watch schemes as they are sometimes known, have been around for decades. Far from the images that some people have of bunches of vigilantes patrolling the streets or of little old ladies spying at passersby from behind lace curtains, these schemes provide an extremely valuable service to groups of local residents by helping to make safer the areas where they live and thus improving their overall quality of life as a consequence.

Most neighborhood watch schemes are started up with the help of the local police and often of a crime prevention officer in particular. The latter is able to provide practical advice and tips on improving security and personal safety, as well as making groups aware of how to effectively monitor and report suspicious persons or activities in their local areas.

Much of the reason neighborhood watch schemes have been so successful for many groups of residents is the deterrent effect that they have. Signs and notices posted in the street and in the windows of people’s homes alert potential wrongdoers of the fact that their activities may be being monitored, so that their safest option is to either go elsewhere or think again.

Could your neighborhood benefit from knowing that you’re all looking out for one another? If so, speak to other residents in your area about setting up your own scheme.

You could learn more at National Neighborhood Watch or this ebook

Stay safe, and remember to look for the magic that is all around you.

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